Your moodboard and bookmarks list just had a baby. Our team is beyond excited to introduce you to The Landing’s newest feature…actionable moodboards!
Make a moodboard with individually linked images and products to share your favorite brands, artists, and products - all from one link. You can now add notes, URLs, price, and relevant tags to customize each item on your board, share all the info that your friends and followers want, and easily send your recs to friends ❤️
From curated product lists, to party planning, travel recs, wedding planning or sending visual lists with ease, there’s truly endless potential on The Landing. Today, we’re kicking off a series to showcase how our community is using actionable moodboards to get you inspired! First up is Miranda, our Brand Marketing Manager, who is stoked to finally have a consolidated way to send skincare recommendations to friends…something she previously sent via paragraph long text messages, followed by a million links. Saving all her favs on ONE link with the notes, prices, and URLs included is truly a gamechanger.
Meet Miranda and check out her “skincare favs” board below:

2. How has The Landing supported you recently, or helped fuel your creativity or projects you’re working on? “In the vein of organization and forward thinking, TL is such an amazing addition to my life-planning-flow. I’m a big online shopper, so the new actionable moodboard feature and ability to add data to my boards helps me curate my shopping lists visually and send recs to friends and fam (I used to just send recommendations via text) - which is time consuming and annoying if you’re sending a lot of products.”
3. Tell us about your moodboard! “On this board, I’ve pulled together some of my current favorite skincare products - which is another passion of mine:) my friends are often asking for recs, so the ability to send a bunch of products on ONE link with individualized notes/links/context simplifies my life SO MUCH!”
REMIX Miranda’s board to add or swap items to make it your own!