Changelog: Tuesday, 6/8/21

Miranda Roehrick
June 8th, 2021 · 1 min read

The Landing is a digital space for visual curation, and we’re working against an aggressive roadmap to bring it all to life. Welcome to our changelog (published bi-weekly) for you to track our updates, both big and small.

This cycle, we’ve been hard at work on UX and social features! Over the past two weeks, we’ve been specifically focused on our onboarding flow, and beta testing for board captions. We’ve also been bashing bugs to make board viewing and organization smoother.

See details below!

  • New guided onboarding flow. When you log into The Landing for the first time, we now guide you through our tooling with pop ups to familiarize you with the workspace! We hope that our updated onboarding flow will The Landing more accessible to new users.
  • Beta testing for captions on published boards. When you click the “Publish” button on your board, you are now able to add a caption to your board! This is an exciting step towards making The Landing more social. Stay tuned on more features like this in the near future :)
  • Various bug fixes and UX tweaks throughout the app. We now sort boards on the My Boards page by recency to make it easier to find boards you’ve updated. We also updated the My Boards page to render better on mobile. Additionally, we’ve made backend changes for Live Feed and Explore Page to make for a better viewing experience. As always, please let us know if you encounter bugs in our product!

Access will be in closed beta for the next few weeks - sign up here if you want to join our testing crew!

Thank you so much for being part of The Landing family!

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